Tips for a Thinner Thanksgiving

The holiday season is a time for celebration.  Year after year, most of us pack on at least a pound (some gain more) during the holidays — and keep the extra weight permanently.  Here are some tips to remember for feast day. Get Active Create a calorie deficit by exercising to burn off extra calories before you ever indulge in your favorite foods.  Enjoy the holiday by going on walks with the family.  Take a walk early in the day, before having dessert, and then again later in the day. Eat Breakfast While you might think it makes sense to

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Getting Started with Windows Live Mail on Windows 7

Previously we showed you the basics of Windows Live Essentials 2011 and the programs it includes. Today we’ll take a closer look at getting started with Windows Live Mail on Windows 7. Install & Setup Your Live Mail If you haven’t done so already, download and install the Live Mail from the Windows Live Essentials 2011 Suite. After it’s installed you’ll find Live Mail in the Start Menu, just click to launch it. Setup Live Mail with Live or Hotmail Account Here we’ll setup a Live account, but you can also setup Gmail and many others. We’ll be taking a

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How To Setup Windows Live Essentials 2011 on Windows 7

If you’re moving from XP to Windows 7, you might be wondering where apps like Movie Maker, MSN Messenger, Outlook Express are. Everything has been moved to a separate download called Microsoft Live Essentials, and today we’ll take a look at setting it up on your Windows 7 computer. Download & Setup WLE First head over to the Microsoft website to download Windows Live Essentials (WLE) installer and kick it off as Administrator by right-clicking the file and select Run as administrator. In the next screen you can select to go ahead and install everything included, or if you don’t

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People Who Lose Weight Successfully…

Exercise regularly Set realistic goals. When they don’t meet their goals, they learn from their experiences instead of giving up. Have social support from family, friends, coworkers, or support groups. People who complete a weight-loss program with friends or family lose more weight and are more likely to keep it off. Work on liking themselves (or already do). Are motivated to lose weight for internal reasons rather than external reasons. For example, Star used to lose weight to fit into her old size-six jeans. Now she is losing weight to improve her health. Concentrate not on the bathroom scale, but

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Home Server Show #113

It’s lucky #13, well…sort of!  Tons of news, Add-ins, Drobo and anything else WHS related we could fine to talk about.  Make sure you listen all the way through.  Dave loaded some funny stuff at the end. If you didn’t join us live (and you should try it sometime @, you missed some very good chat!  We broadcast live every Wednesday night at 8:00pm CST.  You can get a reminder each week by following my at The podcast and all the show notes at

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