Tag: index

Federal Open Market Committee Policy Meeting and Is There a Housing Bubble? – Guide Rock Weekly Market Commentary Jun 24 – FT033

It was like watching a game of telephone where one child speaks into another child’s ear and that child speaks into another child’s ear and, by the time the last child repeats the original statement, it has transformed into something completely different. Chairman Ben Bernanke stepped up to the microphone at the press conference after… Click for more / Podcast Player>

The Markets Hate the Slowing of Quantitative Easing and The Value of Renewable Energy in the US: Guide Rock Weekly Market Commentary Jun 17 – FT032

Like a host at a dinner party, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) put the performance of the U.S. economy on the table last week to be gnawed over by world markets. When the IMF presented its annual review of the world’s largest economy, it stated that: “Despite some improvements in economic indicators, particularly in the… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Markets Wobble on Quantitative Easing, Are the Markets like Sports? Guide Rock Weekly Market Commentary Jun 10 – FT031

Like a funhouse mirror, investors’ concerns about whether and when the Federal Reserve will begin to end its quantitative easing program contorted market responses to economic news last week. Unexceptional economic reports were treated as good news and pushed stock markets higher; strong economic reports were treated as bad news and pushed stock markets lower.… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Quantitative Easing, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is it Good or Bad and What is the Best Index to Follow? Guide Rock Weekly Market Commentary Jun 3 – FT030

The Fed will taper… the Fed will not… the Fed will taper… the Fed will not… Last week, investors and traders obsessed about the Federal Reserve and the possibility it might begin to end its quantitative easing program. The Fed began its first round of quantitative easing during the financial crisis in an effort to… Click for more / Podcast Player>

University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Survey and Phenomenon Called Heuristics – Guide Rock Weekly Market Commentary May-20 FT029

Much like elementary school children trying to capture the attention of someone they have a crush on, the American economy sent lots of mixed signals last week. Conflicting reports emerged about consumer sentiment during the week. The Conference Board, a non-profit research organization, reported consumers remained somewhat pessimistic about the direction of the economy. In… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Sell in May and Go Away and Where Will You Live When You Retire? Guide Rock Weekly Market Commentary May-13 FT028

‘Sell in May and Go Away’ is a trading maxim which, according to Investopedia, encourages an investor to “sells his or her stock holdings in May and get back into the equity market in November...” Traders who adhere to that adage may be pondering averages and exceptions right now. During the first two weeks of… Click for more / Podcast Player>