Tag: NebraskaSTEM

Nebraska STEM – Holly Carr – Click2Science

Jim recently sat down with Holly Carr from http://click2sciencepd.org to discuss how Click2Science is supporting STEM organizations and projects across the State of Nebraska. Find all the Nebraska STEM videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/NebraskaSTEM     Holly Carr is a Project Manager for Click2Science On-line, on target STEM professional development resources for out of school time providers. Mission We provide free professional development and curriculum materials to further promote youth interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Description Click2SciencePD is an interactive, professional development site for trainers, coaches, site directors and frontline staff/volunteers working in out-of-school time programs serving children and

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Nebraska STEM – Barb Farho – City of Omaha, Mayor’s Office

Jim recently sat down with Barb Farho from the City of Omaha – Mayor’s Office to discuss how the City of Omaha is supporting STEM organizations and projects across the State of Nebraska. Find all the Nebraska STEM videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/NebraskaSTEM     Barb is the Education Initiatives Director at City of Omaha, Mayor’s Office.  http://mayors-office.cityofomaha.org/ She can be reached at (402) 444-5151 barb.farho@ci.omaha.ne.us Greater Omaha After School Alliance — www.omahaafterschool.org Collective for Youth — www.collectiveforyouth.org Click2Science — www.click2sciencepd.org http://www.beyondschoolbells.org/event/2014/09/26/learning-outside-the-lines-breaking-boundaries-exploring-opportunities

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