You a Weather Nerd? Why I like MyRadar

MyRadar is a weather forecasting app that provides users with real-time weather information, including current conditions, forecasts, radar maps, and alerts for severe weather. It is available for iOS and Android devices, as well as for desktop computers.

One of the key features of MyRadar is its interactive radar map, which shows users a live view of weather patterns in their area. The map can be zoomed in or out to see more or less detail, and users can see what type of weather is coming their way by checking the colors on the map.

In addition to the radar map, MyRadar also provides users with current weather conditions, including temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and more. Users can also set up personalized alerts to be notified of specific types of weather or conditions in their area.

Other features of the app include a hurricane tracker, which provides users with real-time updates on tropical storms and hurricanes around the world, and a lightning tracker, which shows users where lightning is striking in real-time. Watching the lightning on screen is super cool!

On PC, it is one of the best apps that I use every day. I even have a dedicated PC (Surface Pro 3) and a second monitor that I use just to monitor both the radar and the upcoming forecast.


Tracking the weather on a regular basis can have a number of benefits, including:

Keeping you safe: Knowing what kind of weather is coming your way can help you make informed decisions about your safety and the safety of others. For example, if you know a severe storm is approaching, you can take steps to secure your home and make sure you have an emergency kit on hand.

Helping you plan your activities: If you know the weather forecast, you can plan your activities accordingly. For example, if you know it’s going to be hot and sunny, you might plan to spend the day at the beach. If you know it’s going to be cold and rainy, you might plan to spend the day indoors.

Saving you money: Tracking the weather can help you save money in a number of ways. For example, if you know it’s going to be hot and sunny, you might turn off your air conditioner and open the windows to save on energy costs. If you know it’s going to be cold and snowy, you might put on a warm sweater instead of turning up the heat, which can also save you money on your energy bills.

Helping you dress appropriately: Knowing the weather forecast can help you dress appropriately for the day ahead. If you know it’s going to be hot and humid, you might dress in lightweight, breathable clothing. If you know it’s going to be cold and snowy, you might wear layers to stay warm.

Improving your mental health: Some people find that tracking the weather helps them feel more connected to their environment and can even improve their mood. For example, seeing a forecast for sunny skies might lift your spirits and make you feel more optimistic.

Are you a weather nerd? What tools do you use to track the weather? Put your comments below.