Category: Home Tech
Tech Guys Helping Tech Guys!
Tech Education: An Interview with Rich O’Neil from the University of Southern Maine – HT111
Travel Tech: What Do You Take on the Road? – HT110
No LIVE Home Tech Podcast March 21st or 28th
Jim is not only out of town, he is out the country! No Home Tech Podcast on March 21st or March 28th while he is out! He will be releasing pre-recorded podcasts into the feed over each weekend. We are back to normal schedule on April 4th! See you then!
Click for more / Podcast Player>Home Networking, Windows Server 2012 Essentials, Lights Out, the HP N40L, N54L and the Deal with NASA Interns – HT108
HomeGroup, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Note: HomeGroup is a very open sharing environment. Please be sure your home network is very secure before setting up your HomeGroup. For the most part I have had good luck with HomeGroup in Windows 7 and Windows 8. It is an easy way to share content and devices between computers in your home. Once your network is fully functional and all of your computers are properly deployed, that is the best time to make a HomeGroup. The wizards in Windows make it very easy. You start your HomeGroup on one PC, then print out the HomeGroup password and use
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