Category: Home Tech

Tech Guys Helping Tech Guys!

Edward Weniger talks the History and Future of Bitcoin – HGG223

Edward Weniger from AlphaBITCOIN ( joins Jim for show #223 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: or if you are in Canada, use WANT TO SUBSCRIBE?… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Hands On Review with the Mohu Leaf 50 Indoor HDTV Antenna

Updated 11/19/2023 I purchased the Mohu Leaf 50 on the recommendation of a friend on Facebook as a replacement for the two roof-top antennas I was using that I had installed inside my attic.  They were not giving me very good reception and the wife acceptance factor was dropping by the day!  Here is what I run inside the house. Windows 7 Media Center PC  (So 2015!) Channels DVR on PC with a paid subscription (also see: Jon Maddox from Channels a Look Back at 2022 and What is Ahead for 2023 for Channels – HGG558 – The Average Guy

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Amazon Prime Day, Windows 10, Gallup News on the Digital Wallet, Amazon Echo – HGG222

Mike Wieger from and the Open Mike Night Podcast  and Jim for show #222 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: or if you are in… Click for more / Podcast Player>

The State of the Web Browser for Mobile and Desktop Development, Focus on Microsoft Edge – HGG221

Dustin Touer ( VP Training & Development at Easel Solutions joins Mike Wieger from and the Open Mike Night Podcast  and Jim ( for show #221 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at Support the… Click for more / Podcast Player>

The Amazon Echo Know IT Guyde

The Amazon Echo was first announced in the Fall of 2014 and became available to US residents in the Winter of 2015.  The Echo is a information, music, audiobook, news, weather, traffic and sports digital assistant that is always on, always listening and connect to home and home automation via Wifi.  It is voice controlled and hands-free and uses far-field voice recognition to hear you from almost anywhere in your home.   It connect to Amazon at all times so it is always up to date and Amazon is adding features at a very rapid pace as of this writing.  With

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Windows 10 Know IT Guyde

I spent some time three years ago making sure everyone had a simple guide for finding everything they would need for Windows 8 and you can find that here:  I thought it might be nice to make another one for Windows 10 and keep it up to date as well.  It’s a working document, growing and changing as time passes.  It can also be influenced by you.  Leave a comment here of your favorite Windows 10 resource, send me a link in twitter (, post it out to our Facebook group or send it to me in an email,

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