Category: Jim

Omaha Half Marathon : Jim’s Official Results 1:54:53 and Commentary on the Race – Link to All Race Results As Well!

The official results are in and I couldn’t be more happy with my time.  It’s not a PR ([spp-timestamp time="1:53"] in the Papillion Half) but the Omaha Half was just supposed to be a training race for the Kansas City Full on October 16th.  I’ll take it! The Omaha Marathon doesn’t have the best reputation with runners here in Omaha.  Some say it’s too hilly.  Other say it’s not supported well by the community.  Others complain about the lack of organization.  All could be true. The course does give you some elevation, although not as much as you might think.  I

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Omaha Corporate Cup 2009 – Early Results

  This year’s Omaha Corporate Cup was the second largest in it’s history and featured nearly 100 folks from Gallup!  Nice job Gallup.       The incredible trainers at Gallup, Ryan (his blog) and Jamie, did a great job this year of getting people moving and preparing for the race.  Numbers were up from the 60 that ran it last year.  Congratulations to the both of them. Spirits were high and the team came together nicely just before the race. Ryan finished with a record sub 40 minute performance and set a nice PR for himself. I ran, with

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KC Marathon – October 16th No Turning Back Now!

My trainer at Gallup, Ryan Wolf, posted his official entry into the Kansas City Marathon (to his Running with Ryan Blog) on Monday.  I had registered back in July, but couldn’t be out done by him.  Here is mine. Bib #: 1020    FULL MARATHON~Individual Entry – $80.00  Jim Collison  Gender: Male  Age On Race Day: 41  Mailing Address:    Bellevue, NE  68005-3337    US T-Shirt: Adult Extra LargeHave you run the KC Marathon previously?: NoIs this your first marathon?: YesHow many marathons have you completed?: 0Is this your first half marathon?: NoHow many half marathons have you completed?: 1Why are you running

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The Papillion Half Marathon – Check It Off The List!

I normally don’t blog about personal stuff, but I had to get this documented somewhere.  Today I finished my first ever half marathon!  I ran 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 53 minutes.  My goal had been under 2 hours.  The knees are paying for it right now, but it feels really good to have it done.       Special thanks to one of the best trainers in the known world, Ryan Wolf.  He works for Gallup and makes sure we all live healthy and happy lives.  I could not have done it without him!  Thanks Ry!    

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It’s been Upgrade Weekend! (On the Cheap of Course!)

So I spent a good part of Friday night and most of Saturday doing some much needed upgrading to the PC I use daily at home.  I know with the economy being what it is and the fact that we have thousands of dollars in medical expenses for Jon’s and Tim’s accidents this winter looming, that this may not have been the best time to do something like this.  However, I had been planning this for some time and I was able to do it very inexpensively.  If you been keeping you eye on the price of computer stuff lately,

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