Category: Podcasting

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Jay Franze from Franze and Friends with Sound and Audio Tips for Everyone – HGG544

Jay Franze from joins us this week as we look at some tips and tricks for anyone who cares about better sound. Advice for those who podcast or just want better audio for the daily office call or time with family. Enjoyed getting to know Jay and he will be coming back to Home… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Jim Joins Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting for a new Saturday AM Chat Podcast on Spreaker

I’ve started joining Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting on Saturday morning for a live podcast about Podcasting.  Dave is the Podcast Coach and gives podcasters great advice at his site,  We do the show live on and it’s audio only,but it does come with a chat room and you asking us questions!  Join us live!  If you would like to get notifications about when the show is going live, create an account at Spreaker and follow me at  You can also listen to Home Tech and Financial Tech out there as well! Here is the

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