The HP TouchPad, Ford Sync, Nook, WebOS, Samsung Galaxy Tab and Home Automation – HT039

Jim, Gordon, are joined by John Hughes from Code Core Technologies, and a late joining Andrew for this weeks’ installment of the Home Tech Podcast. After a brief chat about phones and and the trials and tribulations of dying gaming consoles, the Jim kicks off, talking about his latest project, “The 28 Day Experiment” testing… Click for more / Podcast Player>

HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 5

Well, I’m back on the WordPress app in WebOS and even using the on screen keyboard to write this post, I can’t say its the fastest way to write a post, but it is doable.  Spell check is very helpful in some cases and maybe too helpful in others.  I would try to write like this all the time.  That wireless keyboard can really be handy. If you read day 2 – Saving Draft Now! Okay, that didn’t work like I thought.  When I selected Save Draft, I expected it to just save and allow me to keep going.  Instead

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HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 3

Back on the laptop today and back to Windows Live Writer for the blog.  When I started using the TouchPad early this morning, it gave me the update OS option which in the past 2 days I have just ignored.  This morning, it would pop up literally every 2 seconds.  I dismissed it several times and then just gave in to the upgrade.  Was hoping to get a few more days on the old versions before I moved up, but HP would have nothing to do with that!  Maybe they are reading my posts? Here is what the warning looked

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#1 Rich’s Random Podcast Generator: Routers, SSL Certificates, Host Files, Kindle and eBooks

Listen now Subscribe with iTunes Download the mp3  (right-click > save target/link as…) From The Average Guy Network, home of the ‘Home Tech Podcast’ and other fine podcasts, a new show hosted by Jim Collison and Rich O'Neil.  Along with guests, they explore the world of technology in an open format. Anything goes, hence the… Click for more / Podcast Player>

HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 2

This is the second time I have written this blog post.  The first time I used the WordPress App on the TouchPad to write the entire article.  Just before I was ready to post it, I tried to add one more screen shot.  The process hung for about 20 minutes.  Unfortunately, I never saved the post as a draft (something I will do from this point on!) and so when I closed it, the post was gone.  Gone forever.  Bummer.  Huge WebOS fail.  I am still running the 3.0.0 software so maybe the update will fix it.  I will have

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HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 1

Two years ago I made the leap and jumped on the Palm Pre bandwagon.  I still remember the day I brought it home, connected to my home wifi and started downloading from an apps store that had some 300 available applications.  In those days, the Pre was a product of Palm, and the WebOS was the first multi-tasking mobile OS created.  Even though the phone release was very late and the iPhone was all but dominating the market, I was on Sprint and wanted to give this new product a try.  One year later, I found myself on Android!  Guess

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