The Fitness Tech Podcast #13 Eating Clean Revisited and Mud Mafia Success

Jim and Jamie are once again joined by Carrie Adams on a special Saturday night edition of the Fitness Tech Podcast.  Carrie gives and update on the Mud Mafia, we talk about some upcoming races, get an update on what Carrie has been up to and get some great advice on eating clean.  We included… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Facebook Messaging, Netflix Subscription, the iPad, Decloaking and Christian’s Corner – HT008

Brian is back this week and he joins Jim and Christian for the latest edition of the The Home Tech Podcast.  We talk Facebook messaging, the new Netflix subscription model, how to configure Windows 7 Update and very small PCs.  Brain breaks out his new iPad for a quick review to top it off.  All… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Home Server Show #120 Backups Dissected

News is going to be slow until the next beta release of Vail but we do have a couple of items for you.  On an exciting note the HSS Forums has opened up to Developers who want to control testing of their Add-Ins.  John is back and the ustream chat was lively.  AJ joins to talk about his backup article and we go over a lot of different options for Windows Home Server backups, retention, restoring, cloud backups, etc.   The Full Show and Show Notes at

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How to Configure Windows 7 Updates

If you’ve been a Windows user since XP, you probably know the importance of keeping the OS up-to-date. If you’re new to Windows or more specifically Windows 7, here we’ll take some time to go over the importance of making sure you have Windows Updates configured properly. If you want to help make sure that your PC is is more stable and less vulnerable to malicious attacks, the 2 main things to keep up-to-date is your Antivirus software and Windows Updates. The 2nd Tuesday of each month Microsoft has what’s called “Patch-Tuesday”. This is the day when Microsoft releases patches

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The Fitness Tech Podcast #12 BodyBugg and Tips to Recharge Your Winter Fitness Routine

Jim and Jamie are together again with special guest Jamie Hunt, a Technology Manager at Gallup.  Mr. Hunt talks to us about the BodyBugg and his experience with it.  A real world testimony and audio review of the product.  If you have been considering using a tool like the BodyBugg, you will want to listen… Click for more / Podcast Player>