Category: Reviews & How-To’s

Does Your HP WebOS TouchPad Need a Turbo Boost? Feeling Like It’s a Little Slow?

Of all the strange places, I found this thread over at the Home Server Show forums.  Erik Chavez (texasPl in the HSS Forums) posted some feedback on his overclocking experience with his new TouchPad as well as a great deal on a cover from a source that might surprise you. Disclaimer:  Overclocking your HP Tablet could result in a bricked unit and is at your own risk.  The Average Guy accepts no responsibility for the content or results of the following.  If it works however, we get all the credit! Here is what Eric had to say. Here’s the forum

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Purchased a New $99 HP WebOS TouchPad? 10 Productive Things You Can Do Forever without HP!

Regardless of whether or not HP supports your shiny new TouchPad in the future, here are 10 things you can do with it, right now, that will never require future HP support and are mostly free.  So pull it out of the box and let’s get started! 1.  Connect it to your web or Corporate Email.  I already wrote about this in a article, but email setup is fast and easy – even at work!  In most cases, you might even be able to do it by just knowing your corporate webmail settings.  If not, just check with your

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HP TouchPad / WebOS: 28 Day Experiment – Day 14

I had no idea when I started this series of posts two weeks ago, that the events of this weekend around HP and the WebOS would cause this much upheaval.  At the end of my last post (Day 11) I came to the conclusion that if the price of the TouchPad dropped to below $200, it was worth buying.  I had no idea of what was to come. By Saturday AM, I awoke to a bunch of emails and tweets (some from you all) alerting me to the fact that some retailers had dropped the price of the 16GB Touch

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HP TouchPad / WebOS: 28 Day Experiment – Day 11

It’s been a busy couple of days since Monday and I haven’t used the TouchPad as much as I had the week before.  I had thought I would sit down tonight after the Home Tech Podcast was recorded and drop a few notes about the weeks usage.  It turned out to be a much more interesting day than that. At about 2pm I got wind from a co-worker that HP had announced it was going to effectively scuttle the WebOS platform for the future. Gina Smith over at said this: In a sharp tactical reversal, Hewlett-Packard today killed its

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HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 7

I didn’t really get a chance to work much on the TouchPad on Saturday.  I’m finding that when I am at home, the TouchPad has a hard time competing with my 24” monitor and PC.  Today was filled with a bunch of PC maintenance and file clean up.  I also had to edit and post two podcasts and well as do some updating to the website (hope you noticed?).  Nothing I would ever try to do on a tablet. Since the weekend means I use the TouchPad less, I thought I could use it to talk about the applications that

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HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 5

Well, I’m back on the WordPress app in WebOS and even using the on screen keyboard to write this post, I can’t say its the fastest way to write a post, but it is doable.  Spell check is very helpful in some cases and maybe too helpful in others.  I would try to write like this all the time.  That wireless keyboard can really be handy. If you read day 2 – Saving Draft Now! Okay, that didn’t work like I thought.  When I selected Save Draft, I expected it to just save and allow me to keep going.  Instead

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