Category: Jim

Jon’s Accident, 4 years later…

4 years ago today, Sarah sent out this email to our very best friends and family after Jon’s accident at Ski Cooper in Leadville, CO. While skiing as a family, Jon lost control and hit a tree at a very high rate of speed.  He survived the crash and is doing very well in the years that have now passed, but this note was a good reminder of how blessed we are to still have him with us and how much the community around us matters.   Our friends at Shadow Lake, my co-workers at Gallup, our friends in Denver and

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The Race Matrix

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Trek up the Tower [spp-timestamp time="8:47"] [spp-timestamp time="7:56"] [spp-timestamp time="7:35"] Leprechaun Chase 10K [spp-timestamp time="52:56"] 10K [spp-timestamp time="51:25"] 10K State Farm 10 Mile [spp-timestamp time="1:28:59"] 10M [spp-timestamp time="1:27:33"] Fish Fry 5K [spp-timestamp time="26:03"] Novartis Run [spp-timestamp time="53:30"] Lincoln [spp-timestamp time="2:05"] [spp-timestamp time="1:52"] Offutt Runway Run [spp-timestamp time="57:49"] Papillion Half [spp-timestamp time="1:55:24"] Omaha Corporate Cup [spp-timestamp time="1:11:26"] [spp-timestamp time="59:02"] Beer and Bagel [spp-timestamp time="51:58"]   2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 TLC Groundhog [spp-timestamp time="49:21"] 10K [spp-timestamp time="50:39"] 10K Trek up the Tower [spp-timestamp time="7:44"] [spp-timestamp time="7:36"].25 [spp-timestamp time="7:14"] [spp-timestamp time="7:25"] [spp-timestamp time="8:24"] Frozen Burrito [spp-timestamp time="38:35"] 4.7M Leprechaun Chase [spp-timestamp time="53:59"] 10K [spp-timestamp time="57:54"] 10K [spp-timestamp time="48:26"] 10K Ni-Bthaska-Ke Trail [spp-timestamp time="1:32:45"] 12K State Farm [spp-timestamp time="1:33:21"] 10M [spp-timestamp time="1:35:59"] 10M [spp-timestamp time="1:24"]  10M Novartis Run [spp-timestamp time="52:20"]

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2012 Omaha Marathon / Half Marathon Results

September 23, 2012 – Just coming off the Corporate Cup last week and a quick decision to run Omaha Half this weekend made for a crazy week.  I also spent a big chunk on the week traveling.  Wednesday in Iowa City and Thursday and Friday in Madison, WI for some Gallup recruiting.  Needless to say, the race came up fast! On Thursday morning, I did get to spend some incredible time with a 6 mile lake run in Madison.  The temp was cool, the air was clear, the wind was zero and the timing was right.  Ran right from the

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2012 Omaha Corporate Cup Results

September 16, 2012 – This was the second year in a row that I have come off of the Lincoln Marathon with an awful summer of training.  For the record, its been a long, hot summer and running was the last thing on my mind.  I had good intentions for a summer of training, but when the best moment in the day was when I decided to not workout, there is a problem.  June – Aug…not great.  September…much better. In a weird twist, my time for 2012 was the exact same time as 2011, [spp-timestamp time="51:58"].  To the exact second.  With

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My Dad’s Legacy: The Stamp Collection

Last February, my father, Walter R. Collison Jr. passed away after surviving a war, a heart attack, a stroke, 5 kids, a complete loss of balance and many other ailments that slowed him in his last decade.  This last week, I traveled to a very smoky Colorado Springs to meet with my family and make some decisions on what to do with his stuff.  He didn’t have a lot and we were able to through it in a single day.  Without much fuss, we kept some things, donated others and recycled the rest.  In some families, this is a very

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