Category: Jim

2011 Lincoln Marathon: Results are In!

It was setting up as one of the best race days of the year.  A very cool start, cloud cover for most of the race and a light breeze blowing out for most of the course.  With 10,000 runners ready to go at 7:00am and an enormous crowd that would support the run from beginning to end, it was looking to be a good day of running.  I had hoped it would be a day that brought that sub 4 hour marathon time that I have been training to complete, but it would not be this day! The conditions did

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The Race That Never Was? Eagle Fun Run 5/10K and Some Thoughts Before The Lincoln Marathon

It was only fitting, that on the eve of the Lincoln Marathon, I receive a package in the mail.  It was from the organizers of the 3rd Annual Eagle Fun Run that contained the race t-shirt and my numbers from the race.  The race was two weeks ago and had been on my calendar as a prep race for Lincoln, but it was very cold and windy that day and for the first time ever, I opted to stay home instead of run.  It felt kind of strange to not show that day, but none the less, I missed it.

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5th Annual Ni-Bthaska-Ke Trail Run 4M/12K: Results and Photo Links

Here are some quick links for those who are looking Facebook: Results: Race Photos:   April 2, 2011 – Tough course!  Hands down hard!  I thought it was going to be a hilly run, but nothing could get you ready for this.  Nice course selection Ivan.  You killed us! The day started out with a goal of doing 12 to 13 training miles that were on the schedule.  Last week’s 19 were but a distant memory and next week’s 22 are looming, but for this week, a step-back week (marathon training term), there was just a half

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2011 Leprechaun Chase: Guys Chase Girls! Race Results and Video Start

March 12, 2011  Guys chase Girls!  What could be better?  The second annual Leprechaun chase that took place on Saturday at the Strategic Air and Space Museum just south of Ashland NE, did had just that offering.  Gals got to start 5 minutes and 30 seconds before the guys.  First gender to finish got there first post race beer for free!  Lots of incentive to win.  Sorry to say, this years race was won by the gals.  Bitter sweet!   There was a good showing by both the Mud Mafia and the Gallup gang of runners.  No official count, but good

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