and Listener Questions and Answers – FT005

Andrew Hunt and Jim Collison are back for another episode of the Financial Tech Podcast.  Andrew updates us on what is currently keeping him busy.  We also spend some time discussing the benefits of using as well as answer some questions submitted by you, the listener. To submit your questions, email Listen Mobile:… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Secure Data Deletion for the Average User

– by Rich O’Neil There’s been a lot of talk about secure deletion of data from a hard drive. How do you ensure that no one will ever read your personal data once you’ve decided to dispose of or repurpose a hard drive?  Maybe you want to hand down a hard drive to your kids but want to guard against them grabbing one of the many freely available data recovery utilities on the internet and taking a crack at your data. How do you deal with that? Are You Sure It Has Been Deleted? Everyone has their own idea about

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Facebook Security, Office 365, Sanitizing Hard Disks, Data Sync and Streaming Media – HT022

With Christian on his music tour, and Andrew unwell, Jim is joined by Mike Howard and Rich O’Neil for this weeks installment of the Home Tech Podcast. The guys kick off talking about Facebook changing their default security settings without notifying the user community.  For those of you who had changed your Facebook security settings… Click for more / Podcast Player>

#31 The Fitness Tech Podcast: Marathon Nutrition, A Reader Email, Running Shoe Tips and Phone Apps for Calories

Jamie and Jim are back for some traditional and old school fitness tech podcasting!  We cover some nutrition ideas for long fitness events, read a listener email, give some tips on buying the right shoes, building up your running distance to reduce injuries, some discussion around stress fractures as well as new technology in shirts. … Click for more / Podcast Player>

#30 The Fitness Tech Podcast: 2P2Marathon–From Smoking 2 Packs a Day to Running a Marathon? Jason Phipps Interview

In one of the more emotional podcasts we have done to date, Jim and Carrie catch up with Jason Phipps and listen to his fitness story.  Jason was a 2 pack smoker on December 11, 2010.  On December 12th, he quit and signed up to run a marathon!  Carrie and Jim spend the next hour… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Removing Malware with Microsoft Security Essentials or Malwarebytes, Easy Transfers, Video Sharing, Virtualization and A Google A Day – HT021

Jim, Christian and Andrew are this week joined by Mike Howard for this weeks installment of the Home Tech Podcast. The guys start off talking about their choice of Virus and Malware removal tools, with Microsoft Security Essentials, Avira AntiVirus, Malwarebytes, McAfee Stinger and various Symantec Removal Tools, as well as the Microsoft Malicious Software… Click for more / Podcast Player>