Tag: Hard Drives

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Christian Johnson with Hard Drives, Wifi and Private 5G – HGG606

Christian Johnson from MapleGrovePartners.com joins me this week. We open the show with some talk of the current state of hard drives and ask Christian what NAS he would buy in 2024. We talk about the current state of Wifi as well as some of the benefits of private 5G. We wrap it with a little… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Paul Braren and Lots of Stuff to Catch Up on! – HGG584

Paul Braren from TinkerTry.com joins me this week and we catch up with him. It's been a busy time for Paul. Both moving and changing jobs has kept him on his toes when it comes to technology. We talk about everything solar, updating an older house for solar, EVs and the challenges and benefits of… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Kevin Schoonover, IcyDock Options and Gigabit Internet Choices – HGG434

Kevin Schoonover is back again and this time loaded up with internet and internal networking decisions. 1 GB Internet speeds means some upgrades to 2.5 and 10 GB internally, and Kevin has research all the options. We make a plea to Icydock at the beginning of the show from some sponsorship opportunities and have some… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Internet Archive Adds Games, a New 100TB SSD and New Backup Solutions – HGG348

Jim Collison / @jcollison is joined by Mike Wieger / @WiegerTech for show #348 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network      Jim Collison / @jcollison is joined by Mike Wieger / @WiegerTech for show #348 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network… Click for more / Podcast Player>