Nintendo Rolls Netflix Software Update to the Wii – The Disc is No Longer Needed

If you own a Nintendo Wii that had been collecting dust since the second week you bought it, now it the time to put it to good use.  The latest software upgrade for the Wii (did you know there are updates?) now allows you to install the Wii channel directly to the console and stream movies from Netflix just like you might have done from your XBOX 360 or PS3.  It’s not a blue-ray quality picture, but it’s easier than going to the video store or even RedBox!  Go to your Wii menu, download and install the Netflix application from

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One Man’s 120 Pound Journey – a Story Not Unlike My Own

My good friend Carrie (Leaving a Path…) is writing a blog that has been quite inspirational for me lately.  In a recent post, she shared the story of Ben from the Ben Does Life blog.  Ben promised his grandmother on Christmas Day, 2008, that he would “get a grip” on life and actively work on his obesity, depression and life.  At the time, he weighed well over 300 lbs! Three years ago, I weighed about 240 lbs, struggled with high cholesterol and never considered myself to be a runner.  Today I have finished 3 marathons, ran more than 20 races

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ioSafe Solo 1.5TB External Hard Drive Deal–$219 at RadioShack

I’ve talked about the ioSafe Solo many times at the podcast.  The ioSafe Solo is a external enclosure that is both fire and water proof.  Pretty handy if you want to protect your data from a fire or flood in your home.  I don’t know about you, but a good majority of my computer equipment is in the basement and near the floor.  Since I live on a hill, I’m not too worried about flooding.  But, if the house caught fire, between the heat of the fire and the water it would take to put it out, I would

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It Was A Wild Summer of Running (Part 3) – M2M Relay

October 3, 2010 – If I have one thing to say about the weather in Nebraska, it’s generally crappy.  However, every race that I participated in this summer / fall sported excellent conditions.  Race for the Cure was no different.  A beautiful Sunday morning with 15,000 people, all dressed in pink, all out to support the fight against breast cancer.  With it just being a 5K and just coming off of 26 miles the week before, the run seemed very short.  I ran at a 10 minute pace, finishing the race in just under 30 minutes.  A good day of

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It Was a Wild Summer of Running (Part 2) – the Omaha Marathon!

September 26, 2010 – There couldn’t have been a more perfect morning for a marathon.  It was just short of 50 degrees at the start of race and almost no wind.  After a long summer of 5 AM runs with warm and humid conditions, it felt great!  This was going to be a good day of running. The Omaha Marathon starts down at Rick’s Boatyard, just a quarter mile or so from the Gallup parking lot.  I arrived at Gallup by 5:45 am and beat most of the crowd and hunkered down in the Fitness center for the next 30

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It Was a Wild Summer (and Fall) of Running (Part 1)

JUNE – Wow.  It’s been a busy summer of running, both in races and lots of long distance training.  It was a summer of some of the hottest conditions I have ever run in and it was a summer that included running across Nebraska (well, part of it), running across Grand Island and running not only across Omaha, but all the way from Omaha to Lincoln.  Thought I would spend a few minutes recapping  the major events and races of the summer of 2010 and get my times documented for future reference.  Here we go! The summer really started on

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