I Have A Need…A Need For Getting Better Transfer Speeds From My WHS

  roadrunnerOne of the things that has bothered me the most about my WHS (Windows Home Server) experience that been the incredibly slow file transfer speeds that I get from my client boxes to the server and back.  Granted, I am using older equipment with slow processors, IDE drives and 10/100 network devices, but the fact still remains, I want more speed!

Joe DiFiglia over at Computing on Demand posted some good info back in early June on a tweek that will get you some serious speed from the new gigabit switches and network cards.  It would be a couple hundred dollar investment for me to replace my existing equipment and move this this faster stuff, but I might just as I purchase the right stuff as I go in the future.  

Oh, sweet speed!

The full url is here: http://computingondemand.com/?p=2104

Remember, I search so you don’t have to!