Category: Home Tech

Tech Guys Helping Tech Guys!

Microsoft Finally Announces the Windows 7 Family Pack – $149

Giving into consumer pressure (my opinion), Microsoft announced on Friday, July 31st, that it was going to offer a 3 PC Family Pack for Window 7 Home Premium. Priced at $149.99, the Family Pack would save the buyer $210 over three separate Home Premium Upgrades. The $50 per license price tag for Windows 7 is a 38% savings compared to the $80 per license that Microsoft charged for a two-license family pack for Vista back in 2007. The family Pack should be available to preorder starting October 18th and in most retail outlets by the OS launch on October 22nd. 

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The Home Server Show 51 – PP3, Survey, Mesh, News, and New Add-in From Alex Kuretz

We are cleaning up around here!  In this week’s episode we go over a few posts on including the LX-195 deal, Live Mesh on your WHS, and the PP3 survey.  Dave also has Alex Kuretz of and he will debut a brand new Add-In.  Don’t miss this episode! Links and News Items mentioned on the show Microsoft venturing into SoHo with WHS? LX-195 Deal Free Offsite Backup using Mesh and WHS Our previous conversation with Alex Kuretz New Member to the team Leave the show a voicemail with Skype! Click me to call Follow the

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Upcoming Saturday Super Seminars at SLCC! Bullet Proof Your Home PC / Protecting Your Family on the Web

Our church, Shadow Lake Community Church, is once again offering free seminars for all those interested on Saturday morning, September 12, 2009.  SLCC is located at 1510 Papillion Drive, Papillion NE 68133 (Map) I will be leading a session titled Bullet Proof Your Home PC.  We will spend the morning discussing the current security threats that exist to the average user on the internet as well as a few easy ways to protect you and your computer from viruses, adware, hacks, browser exploits and dozens of other problems that come with today’s surfing.  More info is coming, so stay tuned

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HP MediaSmart LX195 Home Server w/ 640GB Hard Drive $199.99 Free Shipping

Thanks to a tip from my good friend and co-host partner Chris Lux over at the Home Server Show, you can now get the HP MediaSmart LX195 for the bargain basement price of $199.  The deal is most likely a short one so you will need to act fast! As we have discussed on the podcast before, the LX195 is a bit underpowered with the 1.6 Ghz Atom processor and only 1 GB of RAM.  It does come with a 640 GB hard drive and 4 USB ports that limit your total storage to only the physical size of each

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Home Server Show #50 – Power Pack 3

The Home Server Show 50 – Power Pack 3 for Windows Home Server in Depth In today’s episode Dave, John, Chris and I go over our thoughts on Power Pack 3 for Windows Home Server.  Dave also chats with Andrew Edney and gets into a little bit more detail with the new power pack. Links and News Items mentioned on the show Live Mesh install on Windows Home Server Allen Buckner interview on the LX-195 Using the Aspire MyComputer Link for Home Servers other than the Acer Things you should know about Power Pack 3 Beta Ian Dixon’s video on

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ioSafe Solo Install (Part 2) – Using the BDBB WHS Add-in!

In Part 1, we covered the unboxing, installation and setup of the new ioSafe 1 TB external hard drive that is both fire and water proof.  You can find the entire post here. By now, I have the ioSafe running and the contents of my Home Server folders backed up and protected.  There is one thing left to do. In Part 2, we are going to look at the steps necessary to set up my WHS so that I can use it to backup my PC backups.  We will install the BDBB add-in as well as run it.   Here we

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