Category: Home Tech

Tech Guys Helping Tech Guys!

Throw a Windows 7 Launch Party, MS Covers and Win A PC? Duh!

        Microsoft has decided to take this launch to the streets!  Maybe your street?  If you are willing to host the party, Microsoft will make sure you have the goodies.  You first will need to apply online to host a Launch Party.  If you are selected, you will choose a day from October 22-29 for the party as well as receive party favors for the gig.  Lucky one’s will not only receive a special Signature Edition of Windows® 7 Ultimate but your very own Windows® 7 Party Pack As an extra special party favor, hosts have a

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The Home Server Show #54

On today’s show the guys are back to discuss CrashPlan for Windows Home Server and we also go over some posts on  We also discuss how to get an even better deal on a new HP EX485 or 487 server. Super deal on the EX485 and EX487 Techbargains Deal FireFly How many Add-Ins are you running? Reader submitted deal on 4 bay eSata Okoro Promotion CrashPlan with WHS Microsoft to release news on Media Center at Cedia Follow the Podcast on Twitter!

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WHS and CrashPlan for Social Cloud Backup – Part 1

Several weeks ago on the Home Server Show podcast, we (Chris Lux and Jim Collison) began to discuss the idea of private offsite backup for files stored on our Home Servers.  Sure, there are applications out there like KeepVault, Carbonite or Amazon S3 that will allow you to back up to offsite servers for a fee.  Jim even purchased a 1TB ioSafe Solo external drive for secure back up at home.  But what if you don’t want your data the cloud or wanted offsite backup that is more cost effective (like free) and private?  What if you could use the

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Another Good Reason You NEVER Buy Cables In The Store!

Just picked up the Palm Pre the other week (post on that is still coming) and have been slowly purchasing adapters and cables for it.  Of course, it came with one USB cable (USB micro end) and a 110v adapter for the wall plug.  What I needed was the Touchstone charging kit for work and some extra cables for charging at home.  I could have purchase all of it from the Sprint store, but there are always better (sometimes much better) deals online.  Here is the deal.         Item Sprint Store $19.99 $69.99 Internet $3.25  Every Day

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The Home Show Podcast #53

The latest podcast is out from Dave for the Home Server Show.   This week’s show includes: Diehard’s Wish Home Server Builder Specials My hard drive failure Backing up SBS clients to WHS Dish Network for Media Center cancelled? New Lenovo D400 WHS Warranty service for your MediaSmart Server How to replace your MediaSmart Server Power Supply You can listen to the MP3 here for click here for other formats.

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The Home Server Show #52

In today’s episode, Dave, Chris, John and I go over recent e-mail, news, and posts.  It’s a fun show with some laughs so don’t miss it! Links and News Items mentioned on the show New MediaSmart Server on the horizon? Installing the HP 2.5 update on your EX470/475 series HP’s Tell your story contest Add-In: AutoExit 2008R2 and AutoExit 2009 Add-In: KeepVault updated The ZuneHD is in the news everywhere! Add-In: Download Manager Media Manager, new version Sharepoint on the WHS Active Directory on the WHS Lux’s prediction, miniature PC’s will be all the rage!  Dell Lenovo Take

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